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The Dallas Ballet Company Patrons' Guild is pleased to offer the incentives below to our members.

  • First-round ticket purchase code to all shows

  • Recognition in the program

  • May observe one master ballet class

  • Nutcracker Benefits:

    • First-round purchase code (maximum of 24 tickets total,
      limit of 10 tickets for any one performance)*

    • Meet the Nutcracker guest artists

    • Full-page ad in the Nutcracker program

    • Child presents flowers to the Sugarplum Fairy
      (first 6 to join at this level)

  • Other Performance** Benefits (except Nutcracker):

    • First-round purchase code to all shows (maximum of four (4) tickets during presale)

    • Two (2) free tickets to all shows (included in the 4 ticket max)


  • Second-round ticket purchase code to all shows

  • Recognition in the program

  • Nutcracker Benefits:

    • Second-round buying code (maximum of 24 tickets total,
      limit of 10 tickets for any one performance)*

  • Other Performance** Benefits (except Nutcracker):

    • Second-round purchase code to all shows (maximum of four (4) tickets during presale)

    • Two (2) free tickets to each Les Danses d'Automne and
      En Avant (included in the 4 ticket max)


  • Third-round ticket purchase code to Nutcracker and En Avant

  • Recognition in the program

  • Nutcracker Benefits:

    • Third-round purchase code (maximum of 24 tickets total,
      limit of 10 tickets for any one performance)*

  • En Avant Benefits:

    • Third-round purchase code (maximum of four (4) tickets during presale)

    • Two (2) free tickets to En Avant (included in the 4 ticket max)


  • Recognition in the program

  • Nutcracker Benefits:

    • Fourth-round purchase code (maximum of 24 tickets total,
      limit of 10 tickets for any one performance)*


  • Recognition in the program

  • Nutcracker Benefits:

    • Fifth-round purchase code (maximum of 24 tickets total,
      limit of 10 tickets for any one performance)*


  • Recognition in the program

  • Nutcracker Benefits:

    • Sixth-round purchase code (maximum of 24 tickets total,
      limit of 10 tickets for any one performance)*


  • Recognition in the program

  • Nutcracker Benefits:

    • Seventh-round purchase code (maximum of 24 tickets total,
      limit of 10 tickets for any one performance)*


  • Recognition in the program

  • Nutcracker Benefits:

    • Eighth-round purchase code (maximum of 12 tickets total,
      limit of 10 tickets for any one performance)*


*Ticket limits subject to change with the exception of the Artistic Director’s Circle. Ticket limits will be determined once the cast size and guild membership drive has ended. Once tickets become available to the general public, additional tickets may be purchased through the Granville Arts Center Box Office online.


Les Danses d'Automne

Variation Showcase

En Avant

June Ballet production w/DBC

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